Teigan Heller
Why are dental x-rays so important?
You might have wondered why your dentist always takes an x-ray of your teeth before making a final diagnosis and beginning treatment. I mean, the dentist is right there looking straight inside your mouth. Isn’t that enough? Why go to all the trouble of taking an x-ray every time a new problem is suspected? Wearing that heavy apron and holding... read more »
Everything You Need to Know About a Dental Exam
Why do you need a dental exam? Since almost all dental problems are preventable and best treated if caught early, it is crucial to see a dentist every six months for routine dental check-ups. Regular dental visits allow a dentist to take a look at your mouth and inspect your teeth and gums for any signs of disease. They ensure... read more »
Gingival grafting around teeth and dental implants
The gum tissue that is closely adherent to the necks of your teeth is called keratinized gingival tissue. The keratinized tissue in your mouth holds your teeth in place and protects the roots and bone. Loss of this keratinized tissue results in exposure of tooth roots, known as gingival recession. This can cause sensitivity or pain because of the exposed... read more »
Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed something OFF about your smile? It could be that your gums look swollen or puffy or might’ve changed color to a bright red or even purple. Your teeth may be looking taller than usual or you may also have noticed that your gums bleed when you brush them. This definitely would’ve... read more »
Here’s what you need to know about a gum graft
When it comes to achieving the perfect smile that dreams are made of, nothing is more of a buzzkill than receded gums, whether it’s just around a single tooth or involving multiple teeth. They can make your teeth look disproportionate and long, ruining the complete look of your teeth. In addition to ruining your smile, gum recession can have some... read more »
Gum Recession
Healthy gums function to keep the teeth tightly anchored, covering the entire length of the root. Gum recession refers to the process of gum tissue gradually pulling back from the teeth to reveal tooth roots. The exposure of tooth roots can be a serious health concern as it can consequently lead to decay, infection, and eventually tooth loss. Receding gums... read more »
Oral Sedation
Drs. Heller, Beckman, Thousand, and Hyer want you to become more familiar with different sedation options that we provide at Periodontal Associates during surgeries. What is sedation? The definition of sedation is the administration of a sedative drug to produce a state of calm or sleep. You may be familiar with this if you’ve ever had a major or minor... read more »
Stop Getting Visits from The Tooth Fairy
Drs. Heller, Beckman, Thousand, and Hyer want to let you know that February 28th is National Tooth Fairy Day! When you were younger, losing your baby teeth was exciting because you earned a visit from the tooth fairy. You also knew that another tooth would soon take its place. Losing teeth as an adult is not so exciting. Why do we... read more »