Root & Tissue Therapy

Root and tissue therapy plays a pivotal role in addressing periodontal health, aiming to restore and maintain the integrity of the supporting structures around the teeth. This specialized form of dental care focuses on the root surfaces and the surrounding soft tissues, aiming to manage and treat conditions such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Root therapy involves the meticulous cleaning of the tooth roots to eliminate bacterial deposits and calculus that may have accumulated below the gumline. This process, commonly known as scaling and root planing, aims to remove the source of infection and prevent further progression of periodontal disease. It promotes a clean and smooth root surface, facilitating the reattachment of gum tissues and preventing the recurrence of periodontal pockets.

Tissue therapy, on the other hand, emphasizes the management and restoration of gingival tissues. This may include procedures such as gum grafting, which addresses areas of recession by augmenting the gum tissue. Gum grafts can enhance both the aesthetic appearance of the smile and the functional support of the teeth.

In addition to traditional approaches, advancements in periodontal therapy include laser-assisted techniques. Laser therapy can target and eliminate bacteria while promoting the regeneration of healthy tissue. This minimally invasive option often results in reduced discomfort and faster recovery for patients.

Successful root and tissue therapy not only alleviates the symptoms of periodontal disease but also contributes to the overall well-being of the patient. It is an integral component of comprehensive periodontal care, promoting oral health and preventing the progression of conditions that can lead to tooth loss. Regular periodontal maintenance and good oral hygiene practices are crucial in sustaining your oral health. Call Periodontal Associates at 303-755-4500 to learn more about root and tissue therapy in Aurora, Colorado, or to schedule your next treatment with our periodontists, Dr. Douglas Heller or Dr. Eric Beckman.