Gum Grafting FAQ

Wondering whether you may need a gum graft in Aurora, Colorado? Our periodontists and team offer FAQs to help you better understand this treatment. If you want a more in-depth visit with Dr. Douglas Heller or Dr. Eric Beckman, call us at 303-755-4500 to schedule your visit to Periodontal Associates. 

What causes gum recession?

Gum recession can result from various factors, such as aggressive brushing, genetics, tooth grinding (bruxism), gum disease, frenal pulls and tooth misalignment. As the gum tissue recedes, it exposes the tooth root, leading to sensitivity, cavities and aesthetic concerns.

Do I need gum grafting?

Not necessarily. The need for gum grafting depends on the severity of your gum recession and its impact. If you experience discomfort, sensitivity or aesthetic concerns due to severe recession, gum grafting may be recommended. If insufficient gum tissue poses a risk of future problems, grafting might also be advised. Our periodontists will assess your condition and recommend an appropriate treatment plan, which may include braces or a night guard for cases related to poor bite or grinding.

Does gum grafting surgery hurt?

Gum grafting surgery is performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort during the procedure. The pain level post-surgery is typically mild to moderate, ranging from four to five on a scale of one to ten for about five days. Various measures, including a platelet-rich fibrin clot, a palatal stent and anti-inflammatory medication, help manage post-surgery discomfort. Prescriptions for stronger pain relief are rare but available if needed.

What happens if I do not treat gum recession?

Neglecting gum recession can lead to increased tooth sensitivity, root decay, a higher risk of gum disease and aesthetic concerns affecting self-confidence. Untreated recession may progress to adjacent teeth, resulting in significant bone loss and eventually necessitating tooth removal.

Is Pinhole® Surgery better than gum grafting?

Pinhole surgery, while less uncomfortable, may not address the root cause of gum recession, especially when there is insufficient thick gum tissue. Our periodontists often uses a technique similar to pinhole surgery but combines it with gum grafting to provide long-lasting results by addressing the underlying problem.