Gum Disease FAQ

Our periodontists and team in Aurora, Colorado, offer gum disease FAQs for your convenience in case you have any questions. If you have more specific inquiries, we invite you to call Periodontal Associates at 303-755-4500 to schedule an in-depth consultation with Dr. Douglas Heller or Dr. Eric Beckman.

Why Am I Having These Problems?

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, often arises due to the accumulation of plaque — a bacterial film — on teeth and along the gumline. This leads to inflammation, resulting in redness, swelling and bleeding. If left untreated, it can progress, potentially causing tooth loss over time.

Will I Need Gum Surgery?

The necessity for gum surgery depends on the severity of your condition. While early stages may be managed with improved oral hygiene and regular cleanings, advanced cases may require surgery. Our periodontists will guide you towards the most suitable treatment plan for your unique needs.

Will Gum Surgery Hurt?

Gum surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, ensuring minimal discomfort. Any post-surgery discomfort can be treated with regular pain relievers and adherence to post-operative instructions. Innovative techniques like laser treatment can also minimize discomfort.

What If I Do Not Treat My Gum Disease?

Neglecting gum disease can lead to serious consequences, including gum recession, tooth mobility and even tooth loss. Additionally, research suggests a link between gum disease and systemic health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Why Do I Need More Frequent Teeth Cleanings?

Patients with gum disease often require more frequent dental cleanings, typically every three to four months. These cleanings help prevent disease progression by removing plaque and tartar buildup, reducing inflammation and promoting healthier gums.

What Is Laser Periodontal Surgery, and Is It Better Than Pocket Reduction Therapy?

Laser periodontal surgery is a minimally invasive technique that uses laser energy to remove infected tissue and bacteria. It offers benefits like reduced discomfort and quicker healing. Pocket reduction therapy involves accessing and cleaning pockets created by gum disease. The choice depends on your condition and our recommendations; one is not inherently better than the other.