Multiple Dental Implants in Aurora, CO

Modern dentistry has undergone a remarkable transformation, offering a diverse range of solutions to address various oral health issues. Among the most revolutionary treatments available today is the use of dental implants to replace multiple missing teeth, creating a robust bridge that restores both functionality and aesthetics.

What Are Dental Implants Made of?

Typically crafted from biocompatible materials like titanium, a dental implant acts as a substitute for the missing tooth’s root. Its meticulously designed structure ensures seamless integration with the jawbone, providing a solid foundation for the placement of crowns or bridges.

The Importance of Implants

The significance of dental implants, especially for individuals with multiple missing teeth, cannot be overstated. Beyond restoring confidence by enhancing smiles, these implants prevent potential jawbone loss — a common consequence of prolonged tooth loss. They offer a permanent and sturdy alternative to traditional bridges or dentures, ensuring longevity and durability.
Women who received Dental Implants in Aurora, CO
Contrary to common assumptions, the process of placing multiple implants is neither prolonged nor discomforting, thanks to modern dental techniques. The surgery is carried out with precision, minimizing patient discomfort. Following the implant placement, a crucial healing period of approximately three months allows the implants to firmly anchor themselves to the jawbone.

For those concerned about the aesthetic aspect during this healing period, a temporary bridge can be placed if the implants exhibit immediate stability. This enables patients to continue with their daily activities without hindrance to their smile.

At Periodontal Associates, we prioritize efficiency and precision in our procedures. Utilizing advanced technology such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans and intraoral scanners, we digitally visualize and plan the implant process. This digital insight empowers us to create customized guides for exact implant placement, optimizing the foundation for future bridges.

Schedule a Consultation

Situated in the expansive Denver area, our clinic is a trusted name. As periodontists specializing in gum diseases, we ensure that every patient’s journey is marked by expertise and care. Whether you reside in Greenwood Village, Englewood, Centennial, Denver, Parker, Lone Tree, Aurora, or any surrounding region, Dr. Douglas Heller and Dr. Eric Beckman are ready to help you achieve dental excellence. Schedule your consultation today by calling 303-755-4500 and learn more about multiple implants in Aurora, Colorado.