Success Rate & Advantages of Dental Implants in Aurora, CO

Dental implant success rates, a testament to advancements in dental technology and surgical techniques, particularly shine with high-quality implants like Straumann® and Astra. These durable replacements for missing teeth boast consistently high success rates, often reaching into the high nineties over a ten-to-fifteen-year life span. While some newer companies may claim similar success rates, the extensive history of research and development behind Astra and Straumann implants sets them apart, ensuring implants that withstand the test of time.

How Health Habits Affect the Success of Dental Implants

However, the success of dental implants is contingent on various factors, with overall health playing a pivotal role. Individuals maintaining good oral and general health tend to experience higher success rates. Unhealthy habits, such as smoking, significantly impact implant outcomes due to compromised blood flow and impaired healing. Abstaining from such habits contributes to the success and longevity of dental implants.

Disease management is another crucial aspect, with periodontal disease requiring attention before implant placement. Ongoing management post-implant is equally vital to prevent complications that could compromise stability and longevity.

Periodontal Associates proudly stands as a beacon of dental implant excellence, exclusively employing top-tier implants from Straumann and Astra. Dr. Douglas Heller and Dr. Eric Beckman are committed to ensuring the longest-lasting success for each patient’s dental implant journey through meticulous care and the use of premium implant systems.

Achieve Dental Implant Success with Us

The success of dental implants not only reflects technological advancements but also hinges on the collaboration between patient commitment to oral health and the expertise of periodontists in Aurora, Colorado. Paired with quality implants, meticulous patient care and healthy habits, dental implants have transformative potential, offering a long-lasting, functional and aesthetically pleasing solution for missing teeth. Discover these advantages and success rates firsthand by calling us at 303-755-4500 today.